The World Out of Home Organization is determined to play its part in helping members and the global Out of Home industry collectively, to combat the adverse effects on business of the Covid-19 virus.
As we all know this is now affecting all parts of the world, at varying levels and speed. Europe and the US are at a relatively early and critical stage, whereas China for example, is beginning to see a return to normal working practices in many companies, as well as growing traffic flows.
USA: OAAA's Member Commitment During the COVID-19 Crisis
As we continue to monitor Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments closely, the health and well-being of our members, their staff, and our employees is of utmost importance to us. Today, we would like to share with you OAAA’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fundamentals of the OOH sector are strong. We just came off our most successful year ever as an industry with record revenue growth across every one of our core formats.
USA: Digital signage provides calming presence during coronavirus pandemic
The coronavirus has shaken almost every industry, as investors and consumers alike are panicking over the true impact of the virus. Due to increasing restrictions on public gatherings and travel, people are becoming far more isolated as well. Digital signage vendors are also feeling the impact of the coronavirus due to supply chain restrictions and stock market volatility.
Portugal: TOMI Shares Coronavirus Prevention Measures and Disables Interactivity
The interactive smart cities’ device TOMI, present in about 100 cities in Portugal, Brazil and Chile has implemented a feature to help raise awareness of the Coronavirus using its DOOH capabilities, in order to deliver updated and reliable information, made available by the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health.
Canada: Toronto Firm Develops Pandemic-Focused OOH Platform
It’s no secret that OOH is taking a hit as people increasingly spend more time at home as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. But one Toronto firm is turning the slowdown into a positive way to get more real-time pandemic updates to those who for whatever reason must be out and about.
How Digital Signage Can Help Flatten The Coronavirus Curve
While we’re all settling down in our remote workplace this week, the reality of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is slowly starting to settle in. For many of us, It’s hard to comprehend how what seemed like a simple virus can bring our modern world to a standstill. As the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization works tirelessly to develop a vaccine for the disease, health experts have been clear on what we must do to help flatten the pandemics curve.
USA: How Your Display Technology Can Help
As the world is facing the COVID-19 outbreak, many question what they can do to help. One of the fastest methods for communicating information is through your digital display. Daktronics is offering free content at www.daktronics.com/covid19content so you can update the public as quickly as possible. We will continue to add additional messages over the coming days.
USA: Neil Bell on Advertising During a Sudden Downturn
Over the past week or so, I have been giving a lot of thought to how the Covid-19 and economic crisis will impact our business as well as each of our customers’ businesses. I know that we are all going to have to adapt in order to make it to the other side of this without too much damage.
India: A big OOH fight to COVID19
DS Mittle & Sons builds the biggest ever building wrap to spread awareness about the pandemic in Mumbai.
China: LCD Manufacturing Getting Back To Normal In China: But Demand May Not Be There
Here is some mildly encouraging news – while North America and Europe are turning into big quarantine zones, China is coming out of that phase and technology manufacturing is getting back to normal. Capacity utilization rates at most LCD fabs in China, excluding those in Hubei province – the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak – are recovering and are estimated to reach roughly 80% by the end of March, according to a Korea-based The Elec report.
USA: Wash your hands, get plenty of rest and get on with work.
Lots of economic handwringing about the conoravirus. Here’s Insider’s take. The conoravirus is an exogenous shock, economic speak for an unexpected event which hurts the economy. 9/11 was an exogenous shock. Exogenous shocks may cause recession but the recession is not as long or severe as a financial crisis recession which is driven by too much debt (e.g. the 2007-2009 contraction).
Some positive news from China
Our good friend Diya Xu from Phoenix Metropolis Media shared pictures this week of life in Beijing getting back to normal post Covid-19.
Good to see that life will eventually return to some form of normality!
Switzerland: Swiss Poster Award: the best Swiss posters of 2019
Of the 36 campaigns nominated, 18 were presented with Swiss Poster Awards – and the vegetarian "Kein Tier im Visier" (Don’t shoot me) campaign was also awarded the accolade of "2019 Poster of the Year". Given the special situation in Switzerland, the gold, silver and bronze trophies will be personally presented to the winners in the next few days. The APG|SGA Poster Night was not held because of the spread of the coronavirus.
India: OOH players paving the way for a measurement system
The OOH industry has been working towards having a measurement system in place that most industry players say will help agencies convince their clientele about the ROI that they can provide brands. With the aid of digital tool and measurement system, agencies want to gauge the impact that a particular OOH site can deliver.
USA: Geopath Spotlight: Top OOH Spenders By Industry
Geopath has a wealth of data which can provide you insights to run your out of home business better. Want to target specific audiences with out-of-home, or learn more about advertisers in key industries? We can help with both, and much more here at Geopath.
Dubai: Changing Times In the World of OOH
“There is an evolution happening in our business,” says Bill Fordyce, CEO of Backlite Media, one of the leading outdoor advertising companies based in Dubai. With a global digital takeover, Communicate got a chance to chat with Fordyce, to understand how a traditional medium like OOH is faring in this new environment.