Asia Forum October 28th 2021

The first World Out of Home Organization Asia Forum

Asia Forum October 28th 2021

WOO President Tom Goddard explains why WOO will be holding its first Asian Forum on Thursday October 28th. We look at some off the forum's highlight and put it in the context of OOH beginning to bounce back from the effects of the pandemic.

1 / Why is the World Out of Home Organization holding its first Asia Forum?

A/It’s a key part of a World Tour we organised in the pandemic following the cancellation of our World congress in Toronto. This will take place, in person, next May.

We wanted to focus on three regions first: Europe,  then Asia, then Africa to look at the issues facing Out of Home in detail and also at times to suit attendees in those regions. So, for example, the Asia Forum begins at 1pm Beijing time to suit that region and 5am in Europe. We are no longer a Europe-centric organisation and this demonstrates that. 

2 / What will be the highlights of the Forum?

A/We are currently finalising the sessions and speakers but the keynote will be an interview with Ashish Bahsin who heads Dentsu International in Asia and is widely recognised as one of the architects of the media industry in the region. We’re very fortunate to have secured Ashish.

The forum will cover wide range of subjects including a Panel session on Audience Measurement headed up by industry measurement Expert Gideon Adey. However there will also be sessions on cutting edge creative technologies including 3-D and drones as well the latest industry leading hardware solutions coming from the region.  The continued rise of programmatic trading will also be a feature. Jim Liu the WOO ambassador in China will be the local event host.

3 / Where does Asia sit in the world Out of Home industry?

A/Firmly at the forefront in terms of the growth and impact of digital Out of Home where progress has been spectacular with some of the most technologically advanced and creative sites in the world. But we mustn’t forget that much of the industry remains what we call classic, essentially paper and paste and we need to work on behalf of this sector too.

4 / Is the OOH industry recovering from the pandemic?

A/Broadly yes although recovery has varied region by region, in part reflecting vaccination issues and so on. Generally speaking though the bounceback has been dramatic, in some regions ahead of the recovery in advertising.

It’s worth pointing out that the OOH industry performed well in the pandemic. Sales and revenue were obviously impacted but media owners across the world contributed significantly to public messaging and other social needs. WOO ran its highly successful ‘Our Second Chance’ campaign to strike an optimistic note in the crisis and also demonstrate the power of the medium. There will be more such initiatives.

5 / What does the future hold for Out of Home, in Asia and elsewhere?

A/We believe Out of Home will increase its overall share of the global ad market although it’s going to be a battle, given the relentless rise of digital. But it’s already overtaken print and is also ahead of radio.

There is also a trend back towards brand-building on the part of many advertisers and this should benefit OOH which is able to connect emotionally with billions of consumers more effectively than other media. 

What the industry needs to do is make its case to advertisers and media agencies enthusiastically and effectively and also, as mentioned above, improve its audience measurement standards to support this case.


The Asia Forum is specifically timed for the Asian Region will consist of two sessions:

  • Session 1 - 13.00-15.00 Beijing Time, 05.00-07.00 am UK Time
  • Session 2 - 16.00-19.00 Beijing Time, 08.00-10.00 am UK Time

This WOO event is free to any employee of our members, but non-members will also be able to register for €150 Euros.