Light up the world - A programmatic panel Moderated by Broadsign

Moderated by Broadsign/Pikasso/Tractor

Light up the world - A programmatic panel
Moderated by Broadsign

In the panel on Programmatic and Automation Martin Dollevoet, Chief Revenue Officer at Broadsign, itemised the benefits of programmatic, notability its flexibility, hyper-local targeting and pay-per impression facility, while Remi du Preez, Commercial Director at Tractor Media explained how programmatic had helped produce a very successful campaign for its client Emerge Gaming.

Then Francesca Vincenti from Pikasso detailed a combined classic and programmatic campaign for Air France which gave the company far greater control over the campaign. “We need to educate media planners and agencies and with them reach out to global advertisers with the benefits of programmatic. We expect programmatic will be used first of all in airports and roadside where there are digital assets.”