On July 29, 2020, the 17th China Outdoor Communication Conference hosted by "Asia Outdoor" magazine was successfully held in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, as Asia's largest professional event for OOH communication industry in 2020, the conference has attracted the attention and expectations of the industry colleagues from China and overseas.
It’s time for the industry's great changes, and "new infrastructure" business opportunities
At the beginning of this year, the epidemic raged across China, the industry was shut down and encountered an unprecedented crisis. How the industry regenerated after the epidemic became the focus of the industry。With the theme of "Digital transformation and ROI focus ", this conference is looking for opportunities in crisis. At the once-in-a-century historical node and the industry's great changes, the power of China's outdoor industry chain will be assembled to inject new momentum into China's outdoor communication.
The conference will have more than 1,000 participants which include colleagues from European and American countries, CEOs of national OOH media companies, elites from mobile Internet and big data marketing, advertisers, 4A agents, industry associations, urban planning, government supervisors, marketing experts, research authorities, and new technology manufacturers. This conference gathered the latest global achievements, using forums, physical displays, case studies and other methods to bring new gains to the participants.
行业巨变风口 产业“新基建”商机
今年初疫情肆虐中华,行业停摆遭遇空前危机,行业如何疫后重生成为业界瞩目焦点。本届大会以“数字运营 品销合一”为主题在危中寻机,在百年一遇的历史节点与行业巨变风口,集结中国户外全产业链的力量,为中国户外传播注入新动能。
(rc: 29/07/2020)