JCDecaux passes PWC digital play-out process audit

JCDecaux passes PWC digital play-out process audit

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) firm JCDecaux has had its digital play-out verification process successfully, independently audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers UK (PwC).

The audit covers JCDecaux’s delivery and reporting of UK digital campaigns, meeting advertisers’ requirement for transparency in digital media. PwC audited the end-to-end process of JCDecaux’s proprietary media planning and booking platform, SmartBRICs for the three months ended 30 September 2017.

The audit was conducted in accordance with ISAE 3000 Assurance Engagements other than Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.

JCDecaux said the compliance audit is evidence of its commitment to providing quality and value to its partners and was an integral promise in its brand first charter BranDO launched at the IAB Digital Upfronts in October this year. BranDO comprises guidelines on the issues of viewability, measurement, accountability, transparency and brand safety, providing a benchmark for DOOH as JCDecaux moves towards a more automated delivery model.

JCDecaux’s BranDO charter covers the key digital advertising issues. On Viewability, it states that the firm will only measure ads that have been ‘viewed’ using the JIC-approved Route audience measurement system. This means ‘eyes on’ ad copy rather than an opportunity to see (viewed rather than viewable). The company will only count real people.

On Measurement, it states that all audience viewed impressions will be published. The company will provide the raw viewing logs that can be used for verification. Any data enrichment on top of the Route viewed impressions will be made available to all parties to the trade.

On Accountability: “Playout reports including any hardware or software issues will be published through a PwC audited process. A report on both traded and delivered viewed impressions will be available throughout the campaign.”

On Transparency: “We will publish a quarterly report of our total level of campaign compliance.”

On Brand Safety: “We will have the highest regard for brand safety and the security of our networks. We will utilise the highest quality screens, build and location for a brand safe display environment. We will comply with all legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure we strive for the highest standards in sustainability and health and safety.”

And finally, on Automation: “Automated trades will use the IAB UK approved OpenDirect and OpenRTB protocols. Copy will be approved to meet ASA and local authority standards for display in a public space.”

Spencer Berwin, co-CEO at JCDecaux UK, said: “We made public our objective to provide a brand safe canvas for advertisers and agencies with the launch of BranDO. Digital online has real issues surrounding verification, measurement, brand safety and accountability and we are determined to ensure that Digital OOH puts the brand first and delivers for advertisers.

"The fact that PwC has independently audited our process for delivering and reporting UK digital campaigns is a proof point of our commitment. This stamp of approval is a real milestone in JCDecaux’s digital evolution and we hope it will become a reference point for the whole of the outdoor sector.”
