In addition to APG, Clear Channel Switzerland is also backing and co-funding the SPR+ designed research concept.
The results will be made available to the market in 2014 via the SPR+
Expert OOH planning tool. After SPR+ successfully implemented a pilot
project for post-surveying mobility and for the development of a
national model in 2010, the main MobNat study is now being initiated.
As an extension of the current scope, the model will also incorporate
the plannability of territories outside the 55 Swiss conurbations and
the inter-conurbation mobility of the population. The new integrated
model is based on traffic surveys,census and microcensus data as well as
GPS and structural metrics that meanwhile are available for all parts
of Switzerland or are being collected by SPR+.
This data will be mapped into a "national atlas" with traffic
frequencies for each road segment in Switzerland and into a "national
path model" for the country's resident population. MobNat complies with
the Global Guidelines on Outdoor Audience Measurement. In 2014, the
research results for planning multi-provider campaigns will be activated
in the SPR+ Expert tool for users registered with SPR+.
APG's CEO Daniel Hofer comments: "The implementation of MobNat and the
renewed involvement of Clear Channel are two important OOH research
milestones in Switzerland and will thus strengthen this medium in the
competitive intermedia context."
Jürg Rötheli, CEO of Clear Channel Switzerland, adds: "The Swiss media
market legitimately wants one currency that measures the performance of
poster campaigns. Since SPR+ is opening up a new dimension with its
MobNat concept, we are eager to participate."
"First of all, we will now acquaint the Research Advisory Council of
SPR+ with MobNat in detail. Then, we will invite industry stakeholders
to attend a presentation," notes Felix H. Mende, Managing Director of
SPR+, in outlining the next steps.