WOO names more top-level speakers for May 18 European Forum

WOO names more top-level speakers for May 18 European Forum

WOO names more top-level speakers for May 18 European Forum

Justin Cochrane, CEO Europe of Clear Channel, Christian Schmalzl Co-Chief Executive Officer of Ströer Management SE and Andy Sriubas, Chief Commercial Officer of OUTFRONT Media have joined the list of speakers at The World Out of Home Organization’s European Forum on May 18. The virtual event will be hosted from London. 

They join a number of other speakers from all sides of the Out of Home and wider advertising industry including James Murphy, co-founder of creative agency New Commercial Arts. NCA is WOO’s ad agency and devised the widely praised #OurSecondChance global campaign that ran in 2020. NCA has since won business from Halifax, Uber, Vodafone and Habitat/Sainsbury’s.

Justin Cochrane of industry leader Clear Channel will give his perspective on the European OOH market as it navigates recovery from the Covid pandemic.

Christian Schmalzl from Ströer and OUTFRONT’s Andy Sriubas will discuss mobile connectivity and show how mobile and OOH can be the perfect partners for advertisers in an increasingly digital world.

The European Forum is the first in WOO’s Grand Tour which will also include an Asia Forum later in 2021 and an Africa Forum in early 2022. A number of further webinars are also planned.

WOO President Tom Goddard says: “The European Forum is already set fair to become the must attend OOH event of 2021. We have already secured a number of top-level speakers and there are many more to come. We hope as many members as possible will join us for what promises to be a highly informative, entertaining and unmissable day.”  

Registration for the Forum will open at the end of next week.



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