The European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) and the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) presented an exclusive report on advertising regulation and self-regulation in Out of Home at the World Out of Home Organization global conference call on January 23rd.
The report provided an overview of the self-regulatory landscape at local, European, and global levels, including the complaints received in 2023 concerning OOH by advertising standards bodies, or self-regulatory organizations (SROs) within EASA and ICAS.
The reoprt is avaiable for all WOO members and can be dowloaded at the bottom of this report.
Also included was an overview of the laws and regulations governing OOH advertising in key markets worldwide, as well as insights into sensitive issues and legislative developments across Europe.
In 2023, SROs across the ICAS and EASA networks received:
2,291 complaints and 986 distinct cases involving outdoor advertising. (Complaints about outdoor ads are proportionate to global advertising spend, reflecting similar investment patterns and public responses across markets.)
Misleading advertising was the most common concern, accounting for:
68% of all complaints across all media.
- 42% of complaints specifically about outdoor ads.
- Other significant concerns about OOH ads included:
- Social responsibility issues: 33% of complaints.
- Taste and decency concerns: 31%.
Emerging and Recurring Industry Challenges:
- Children’s Exposure to Advertising;
A top priority globally, with growing concerns about the advertising of food products and unhealthy eating behaviours.
Regulatory focus is shifting beyond high fat, salt, and sugar (HFSS) foods to ultra-processed foods, reflecting broader health concerns.
Digital Advertising Challenges:
- Issues related to privacy, AI-generated advertising, and influencer marketing are prominent on regulators’ agendas.
- Environmental and Sustainability Concerns:
- These issues are especially significant in Europe, where many markets have identified sustainability as a key concern for citizens and policymakers.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI):
- DEI remains a priority in some countries, but efforts are increasingly challenged by divided public opinions.
- ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) efforts are similarly facing heightened scrutiny.
Alcohol Advertising:
- This continues to be a sensitive topic, with tighter legal restrictions anticipated in several markets worldwide.
Content Sensitivities in Outdoor Advertising:
- Given the public visibility of OOH ads, recurring themes in complaints include: Gender portrayal, Stereotyping and Objectification.
WOO CMO Richard Saturley (also a committee member of ICAs) says;
"We would like to thank EASA and ICAS for the most comprehensive, wide-ranging and invaluable report into regulation in Out of Home and the steps the industry needs to take if self-regulation is to remain a key factor in how the industry operates worldwide.
"There are clearly many challenges, especially in such a prominent advertising medium and one which is often directly affected by national and local law changes out of its control. This is why self-regulation is so important: we need to keep impressing on critics of advertising that we behave in a responsible and accountable way, answering the needs of consumers as well as advertisers. The EASA and ICAS report provides an invaluable road map of the path the OOH industry needs to follow."
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The WOO database is a regularly updated, invaluable resource for WOO member companies, associations and their employees, containing all the latest data on the Out of Home Industry worldwide. It is managed by WOO Insights Manager Heather Wallace.
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