How OOH and Mobile can work together - WOO adds new report to its global database

How OOH and Mobile can work together - WOO adds new report to its global database

How OOH and Mobile can work together - WOO adds new report to its global database

WOO has added a major new report to its global database, a study which looks at how OOH and Mobile can be combined most effectively

Titled “How we can sell more OOH by fitting Mobile into the OOH universe”, it illustrates how OOH and Mobile leverage each other’s strengths and provides ideas for making the best use of the two media working together.

The study provides a SWOT analysis of OOH and Mobile and points out the strengths of the two media when compared with TV, and how the combination can bridge the gap between “personal” and “unpersonal” media

It also includes a collection of cases from around the world demonstrating the versatility of the two media working together and the strong benefits the combination can bring to advertising campaigns.

Detailing different techniques, from geofencing to personalized and interaction, the report covers campaigns from a wide range of advertisers, including McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Renault, Spotify, Nike, Hermes and others from a wide range of advertising sectors. If you have a case study you think we should include please send them through to

Many thanks to Christian von den Brincken, Georg Schotten, Ivonn Schneider and Anke Pätzold, all from Ströer SE who pulled together this report.

If you are a member and know your login details please click HERE to download the report. If you are a member but do not have download details please contact

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The WOO database is a regularly updated, invaluable resource for WOO member companies, associations and their employees, containing all the latest data on the Out of Home Industry worldwide. It is managed by WOO Insights Manager Heather Wallace.

The database contains up to date information on developments in the Out of Home world, case studies including invaluable insights into the connections between OOH and mobile, regulation in markets across the world and the latest official reports from National Associations worldwide.

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