Keep up to date with Out of Home via the WOO Database

Keep up to date with Out of Home via the WOO Database

Keep up to date with Out of Home via the WOO Database

The WOO Database is a regularly updated, invaluable resource for WOO member companies, national associations and their employees, containing all the latest data on the Out of Home Industry worldwide. It is managed by WOO Insights Manager Heather Wallace.

The database contains up to date information on developments in the Out of Home world;  case studies including invaluable insights into the connections between OOH and mobile, regulation changes in markets across the world and the latest official reports from National Associations worldwide.

It is comprehensive and easy to use.

Features include: 

  • *Quick Search – you can search on a single word, ie COVID or search Topics ie Airports. The search can be narrowed to a particular country / region / continent or left open to provide all results for all countries.
  • *Media Gallery – you can search for good examples of OOH by category, ie Digital, and also narrowed by country if required or left as a global search
  • *Data by Country – search for everything we have on a particular country – Research/Legislation/Media/Presentations/WOO members in that country Research, Legislation, Media, Presentations and local WOO members
  • *Congresses – all the presentations, speeches and documents from past WOO Annual Congresses.

Insights Manager Heather Wallace says: "Data on all aspects of media is multiplying daily and Out of Home - with its multiple stakeholders including governments and city and local authorities as well as practitioners - is no different. The WOO Database is an essential source for OOH information, both historic and recent, curated by us to assist OOH businesses in growing our market share against other media"

For further information on what is available within the database, please click here.

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